My fav site is down

The Boxx which is one of my most fav sites has been down for two days now and i am having serious withdrawals.

Here is my latest page lo for the Scrappers Challenge group on the Boxx,
criteria was to do a lo of your dream man/hottie but it couldn't be a significant other.

I did Sean Connery first but knew that I would have to do Brad Pitt, what a hottie, phew, enjoy.


Leanne J said…
yum.... and i am so totally with you.. i am LOST without the boxx.. its like havin friends on tap whenever you need them..
Elise had this on her facebook....

"Got an email from Jane . There is alegal dispute with the site host and have shut down everyhting!!!! Major dramas for her !!! she is looking at a new site host now.....waiting to hear of anymore news....."

hope it gets fixed soon...
Jess Mackenzie said…
Heya Annette!! Arrrrggghh....I'm sooo having boxx withdrawals too!! I'm so hoping Jane can get it sorted out....must be a huge stress for her. Anyhoo you take care lovely lady : )
Dolly B said…
I was lucky enough to see Annette's Brad Pitt page IRL and it looks fabulous (as does Brad). And like everyone I am hoping the Boxx is up and running real soon, missing you all
Love and Hugs
Miss Mary x
bappleicious said…
It's an awesome page Annette - Brad is definetly worthy eye candy

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